
hari ini...

hari ini, suatu hari yang penat..
hari ini, hari jom masuk u di pahang....
hari ini, ump jadi host utk jom masuk u..
hari ini, jom masuk u dirasmikan oleh tpm...

yang berhormat tpm merasmikan karnival jom masuk u

hari ini, aku kerja...
hari ini, kerja aku jadi photographer...
hari ini, kerja ku mula awal pagi...
hari ini, aku tak cuti...

hari ini, ump dikunjungi ramai orang..
hari ini, suasana ump sangat meriah...
hari ini, ump sesak dengan kereta...
hari ini, hari bersejarah bg ump..

booth yang ada di karnival jom masuk u

hari ini, mou ump dengan hicom automotive manufacturers...
hari ini, mou ump dengan pasdec...
hari ini, ramai vvip dan vvip datang ump..
hari ini, hari penuh makna bagi ump...

hari ini, delgasi universitas syiah kuala juga datang..
hari ini, mereka datang dari banda aceh...
hari ini, mereka berniaga di jom masuk u...
hari ini, kuantan & ump mengenali mereka...

universitas syiah kuala, universiti malaysia pahang, universiti malaya, universiti kebangsaan malysia

hari ini, aku penat la juga...
hari ini, aku tak dapat balik rumah...
hari ini, kepenatan ku terserlah..
hari ini, aku tidak sempat mahu upload gambar..

me with VC and his wife

malam ini, malam yang dingin...
malam ini, aku ingin malam yang tenang...
malam ini, aku mahu tidur se-rehatnya...
malam ini....


[NEWS] 'Too Much PlayStation Can Cause Disorder'

Gaming addicts beware: excessive, over-exaggerated use of console controllers can give you a skin disorder.

doctors say "excessive gaming may cause the rash"

That is what doctors in Switzerland have discovered after a 12-year-old girl came in with a mystery rash.

She had painful sores on both palms of her hands, a condition that initially confused doctors.

It was similar to another condition - idiopathic eccrine hidradenitis - which occurs on the hands and feet after vigorous exercise.

But their patient had not been doing any exercise.

The penny dropped when her parents mentioned she had been spending several hours a day on her PlayStation.

Doctors named the skin complaint "PlayStation palmar hidradenitis".

They suspect that a tight and continuous grasp of the console's hand-grips, together with repeatedly pushing of the buttons, had caused the injuries to the girl's hands.

Sweating if a player becomes anxious about winning or losing a game can make the problem worse, they added. Thankfully, she made a full recovered after 10 days without using the console.

Sony Playstation

Nina Goad, from the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "If you're worried about soreness on your hands when playing a games console, it might be sensible to give your hands a break from time-to-time, and don't play excessively if your hands are prone to sweating."

A spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd, manufacturers of PlayStation, said: "We firmly believe that video gaming is a legitimate entertainment pastime like watching movies, listening to music, or reading books.

"As with any leisure pursuit there are possible consequences of not following common sense, health advice and guidelines, as can be found within our instruction manuals."

He added: "We do not wish to belittle this research and will study the findings with interest. This is the first time we have ever heard of a complaint of this nature."

- me -


my mum's WAJA

On early October 2008, my mum shocked that her Wira was very thirsty compare with my brother's Neo during our journey to my mum's village at Wakaf Bharu, Kelantan. Journey from Kuantan to Kota Bharu take about 6.5 hours but on that day, take nearly around 8 hours because of traffic jammed at Besut and Kota Bharu itself. Wira is drinking 3rd quarter of fuel tank compare with Neo which only drink about quarter of his fuel tank. hish...byk nye wira pkai minyak beb....

On that day, my mum realized that she must sell her lovely Wira to new car. She really want to buy Toyota Vios J. Its true that the Vios is high taste compare with Waja. Well, how does suddently she bought Waja? haaa....wat reasearch punye pasal...

at Bukit Tinggi

It is not worthty to buy Vios J compare with new Waja CPS which using new Campro CPS engine. The new Campro CPS engine produces 125 horsepower at 6,500rpm and 150Nm of torque at 4,500rpm as compared to the normal Campros 110 horsepower at 6,000rpm and 148Nm of torque at 4,000rpm. But, Vios J using 109 PS 1.5 liter VVT-i engine mated to a 4-speed Super ECT gearbox. Then the Waja CPS price is cheaper than Vios J. the un-worthty part are at the accesories which include on Waja CPS.

The interior of the new Waja CPS is almost similar albeit new interior trim colour, speedometer and Clarion head unit for entertainment. The most pleasing sight is the easy to read meter panel which has a nice illumination and good clarity.

at Bukit Tinggi

The steering wheel has a nice feel to it thanks to the leather trim with a touch of aluminium-looking plastic. The seats are leather all around which provide a good level of comfort for the driver and passengers. However, the rear passenger seats were a bit too hard for comfort. The door trims are semi leather matched with the seats. The only thing that irked me was the gaps in some of the interior trim panels which I think should not be there after 8 years of product development of Waja. The interior fitting is possibly one of the worst we’ve ever seen.

at Temerloh R&R LPT

traffic jammed at Gombak-Karak (Waja side by side with old City)

But where the test drive is concerned, with all those fuel wasting hard accelerations coupled with highway cruising, the car still managed to deliver almost 540km with still a quarter tank of fuel left in its 60 litre tank. That’s like almost 12km to a litre and we believe that if driven properly, the Waja CPS could deliver more than 600km. And it is true that, my mum's Waja CPS manage using only quarter of fuel tank during journey fom Kuantan to Kota Bharu by speed around 100kmph to 130kmph.

my brother best friend


If we do recognize God, His love and His role
If we do understand His Supremacy and Power
If we are able to sense how deep His love is for His servants

We are willing to struggle for Him, willing to die for Him
We are willing to sacrifice whatever for Him

If we do recognize God
Do love Him for He is everything

Do sacrifice whatever, only for Him
Love for God is the most expensive love
Love for other than God is inexpensive love

If we do recognize God
He is everything
If we do understand God, He is the Administrator for all our needs
If we do understand who God really is
We are willing to undergo all the tests for Him
We are willing to do anything for the sake of our love for Him

We are willing to accept all the tests for Him
We are willing to suffer for the sake of our love for Him

If we do recognize God
Do love Him, He is everything, do sacrifice whatever for Him
Loving God, is an eternal love, to love other than God is a cheap love


[NEWS] Karam: Monte Gallineiro

Sebuah kapal pukat tunda yang terbakar telah diselamatkan secara dramatik oleh pengawal pantai di Atlantik Utara.

detik-detik Monte Gallineiro karam

22 krew nelayan melompat keluar dari kapal ke dalam laut dan meluncur ke dalam bot kecemasan di saat-saat terakhir sebelum Monte Galineiro karam sekitar 250 batu tenggara dari Newfoundland.

Kapal pengawal pantai Kanada, Leonard J Cowley sedang bertugas untuk rondaan rutin perikanan apabila dia menerima satu panggilan kecemasan daripada 30 meter kapal pukat.

Kaptain Derek LeRiche berkata kapal baru sahaja tiba dan nelayan Sepanyol sedang meninggalkan kapal.

Gambar menunjukan kejadian kapal sedang tenggelam dan kemudian sepenuhnya menghilang di bawah ombak.

Seorang nelayan telah diangkat melalui udara oleh helikopter dan dihantar ke sebuah hospital di St John yang menderita kerana meghirup asap berlebihan. Dia dilaporkan dalam keadaan stabil.

Krew selebihnya dijangka untuk tiba di bandar pelabuhan bersama-sama kapal pengawal pantai pada hari Isnin (23.2.2009).

"Kapal pengawal pantai berlaku tiba hanya 10 minit sebelum kejadian," berkata jurucakap, Jeri Grychowski di pusat keselamatan.

"Ia adalah satu nasib baik yang sebenar bahawa mereka adalah begitu dekat dan boleh segera menyahut."


LAB jacket

about a month i'm waiting my new lab jacket that i “tempah” at Oscar Men’s Wear at Kompleks Teruntum, Kuantan. yes..of course i really satisfied that i have a new lab jacket…before this, i only wear my old lab jacket that born on early 2004.

Now the old jacket is 5 years old beb…. many experiences that we facing together. i'm really delighted with jacket…. what i really appreciate is the jacket only worth RM50.00 which “tempah” at same place. And now, the new jacket is worth RM95.00 beb…price is increasingly RM9.00 per year averagely…damn…so good to be a tailor.

Lot of differences between my old and new jacket…

1. my name (MOHD AZIM – MOHD. AZIM)
2. pocket design
3. name at left pocket (PERKASA KUKTEM – CIVIL ENGINEERING)
- hate PERKASA name ... looks very schematic
5. button design
6. shoulder design
7. my new jacket have pocket inside

im really really really satisfied for give that tauke RM95.00 only just for my new jacket.

Tauke tu mmg dah kaya…aku kaya kan die lg… huishh…
One more thing…colour is very dark blue compare with old that now like royal blue.

Feels good.....


kerja or ibadat...???

Kerja Ibadat? Ye kerh?
(Mencari Tahap dalam ibadat)

Korang pernah tak ajak kawan kau pegi solat jemaah, diorang jawab…alah, kerja pun ibadat gak! Benarlah kerja pun ibadat gak tapi ada tahap2 dia..meh sini aku nak cerita…

Tidak Allah cipta Jin dan Manusia hanyalah utuk ibadat.
Ibadat terbahagi kepada empat tahap:

Maksud: Ajak orang kepada Allah,
Cth: Daqwah, azan, nasihat, ceramah dll
Dalil:: Sesungguhnya Kamu sebaik2 Umat mengajak pdmakruf… (al – Quran)

2. Ibadat tahap KHALIFAH
Maksud: Buat akhlak baik dengan org(makhluk) kerana Allah.
Cth: Adil, iqram,sedekah, senyum, kasih saying, hormat dll
Dalil: Sesungguhnya manusia itu dicipta sebagai khalifah (al-Quran)

3. Ibadat tahap MALAIKAT
Maksud: Buat hubungan dengan Allah
Cth: Haji,puasa, solat,zikir,mengaji dll.
Dalil: Manusia boleh mencapai lebih tahap malaikat atau bawah tahap shaitan (hadith)

4. Ibadat tahap BINATANG
Cth: Makan,minum,seks, cari tempat teduh dll.
Dalil: Burung2 keluar perut kosong balik perut penuh sambil berzikir kepada Allah(hadith)

Nah sekarang korang dah tau maksud ibadat, memanglah kerja tu ibadat tapi ibadat tahap binatang, memang wajib kena buat tapi pandai2 lah korang bagi masa sebab tu turun surah ‘demi masa’

Tak paham lagi?
Ada sorang sahabat Nabi tengah buat rumah(ibadat tahap binatang) tiba 2 dgr azan lalu berhenti :
(Ibadat tahap malaikat) walaupun hanya tinggal seketul batu je lagi nak letak untuk siapkan rumah tu, lalu org munafik tegur, “kenapa tak siapkan ,satu batu je lagi…”sahabat tadi tak marah(ibadat tahap khalifah) dan kabor kat org tu “aku takut nanti Allah Tanya kat akhirat mana yang kau lebih utamakan , Allah atau batu?”(ibadat tahap nabi:daqwah) dan ajak org tu gi masjid…

Tak Paham lagi?
Kalau korang tengah kerja tu ibadat tahap binatanglah, wajib kau cari rezki utuk anak2. tapi bila dah dengar azan wajiblah kau pergi masjid, tu ibadat tahap malaikat. Dalam perjalanan ada org lemas mintak tolong, tak tolong jadi mayatlah pulak, maka kau wajib tolong dia ,itu ibadat tahap khalifah dan kau dapati dia org islam dan soheh tak sembahyang lagi, kau ajak dia sembahyang berjemaah sekali.haa …itulah ibadat tahap nabi.bukan capai tahap nabi ,ibadat tahap Nabi.

kesimpulannya:Kerja adalah ibdat tahap Haiwan(binatang)

Tak Paham lagi?
Nanti bila kau dah jadi mayat kau pahamlah…inshaAllah.

ps: bila jadi mayat?


jiwa kaco beb...

PLZ...someone scream…!!!

Dengar-dengarlah di sini semua
Kerna taiko tai lu nak cerita
Apa yang hangat dan sering diperkata
Tentang generasi muda kita
Konflik di antara dua generasi
Yang berbeza citarasa seni
Rap dan rock tiada salahnya… kawan
Cuma janganlah kamu keterlaluan
Walaupun citarasa seni kami berbeza
Kami tetap anak bangsa Malaysia

Jangan sekali kamu terkeliru
Penampilanku… hak asasiku
We're clean cut crew
Mat fit wa tak cimpok lu
Rapper dan rockers kini bersatu
Kami punya gaya… punya cara
Kami generasi baru yang bersuara
Dengan cara terbuka kami terima anda
Tapi dapatkah anda lakukan yang sama
Kami dapat membeza antara permata dan kaca
Kami mampu berfikir sendiri kerna…

Yo.. Keedal man
Show 'em what time it is

Apa yang saja yang aku percaya
Itulah yang akan ku kata
Kerna tak ingin ku jadi hipokrit yeah
Whatever I say I really mean it

Ini dia pesanan
Janganlah kamu melepak dan leka
Jangan sampai ditinggalkan masa
Jika benar rock dan rap kamu minati
Biarlah kita juga dihormati kerna

I.R.A.….intelligent rockers association

I.R.A….intelligent rappers association

idea from:
Norman - KRU
Edry - KRU

lirik lagu-lagu lama... KRU - Terima Kasih